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Rock Solid and focused - Chuck Patterson racing to the finish line!

Gerry Lopez Battle of the Paddle – The most exciting Stand Up Paddle Race in history!

  • Chuck Patterson won the Elite Race – he was a madman fighting against some of the best stand up paddleboarders in the world, and a gusting, strong wind – he won the first place prize of $10,000!
  • Later, a party and awards ceremony at the Surfing Heritage Foundation made for a great celebration.
  • For more information on the Battle of the Paddle go to

Check out the photos & interviews here: (more…)


This is one biz card you won't throw away!

The Business Card…..

This is so basic, but I’m amazed at how many artists will walk into my office, ask me to refer them for this and that, and when I ask for their business card they say, “oh, I don’t have one.” And I promptly smack them on the head for being absurd…..and give them the following lecture: (more…)