04 Nov 50 Paintings Day 10 of 50 – EYES
FOR 50 DAYS, I’M CREATING 50 PAINT STUDIES that reflect 50 things that fascinate me.
You might love ’em, you might hate ’em, but either way, I hope they invoke a feeling for you.
This painting is #10 of 50 in the #50Paintings series.
SIZE: 8″x 10″ paint pen on Fredrix Pro Series Archival Canvas Board.
Von Dutch did the flying eyeballs, Rick Griffin painted eyes. I’ve always had a fascination with eyes. That’s my inspiration for today’s theme.
This painting study is available for purchase SOLD to Desi Goodwin of WA. It’s her first piece of my art, I’m stoked she got it!
One of my goals with this series is to make original art affordable for those who want it. If interested in adding tomorrow’s to your collection, please email info@drewbrophy.com or text or call 949-678-8133 asap!
I hope you enjoy this series. Thanks for reading!
Life is Good –
Drew Brophy
Artist, illustrator, surfer
“It’s my job to make things look cool.”
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