#Stormy Skies Tag

STORMY SKY by Drew Brophy Paint Pen on Canvas Board 9x12 part of 20x20 Series Oct 2013 sFOR 20 CONSECUTIVE DAYS, I’M CREATING 20 ORIGINAL ART PIECES that reflect my thought process and where my ideas originate from.    TODAY IS DAY 16!

I’m painting from the heart, just having fun with it.  You might love ’em, you might hate ’em, but either way, I hope they invoke a feeling for you.

(If you share my posts, please tag  #20×20 #drewbrophy #SurfArt #20Pieces20Days)

Today’s Painting is #16 of 20 in this #20×20 Series, titled STORMY SKY, 9″ x 12″ on Canvas Board, medium Uni Poscas Paint Pens.

Today’s painting was inspired when Maria and I drove along Pacific Coast Highway this morning, and looked out at the horizon as we passed POCHE Beach.
The sunrise from the east was illuminating the ocean, with dark, brooding skies contrasting over the water.
The ocean was emerald green, and milky from the southern winds stirring up the sediment, causing it to glow against the stormy skies.
It made for beautiful, yet slightly ominous, lighting on the water.  Hope you like it.
Life is Good, Drew

This painting is sold! To Bethany in Florida.

If you wanted this one but missed it, and you want to consider the next #20×20 painting, email info @ drew brophy dot com and we will put you on the “#20X20 PAINTING PREVIEW” list, in line for the next one.

*I’m accepting 20 commissions to follow on the heels of this 20×20 series, at excellent prices!  Email info@drewbrophy.com for the commissioned 20×20 pricing.  Include in your email a phone# and shipping address.