surf expo Tag

exhibit-case-at-surf-expoIt was a crazy busy 3 days at Surf Expo. We had 3 different events happening, and I have to admit, it was overly ambitious.

When we arrived, we expected the usual hustle getting set up. Instead, we got absolute ROCK STAR treatment from the Surf Expo people, and it was so easy setting up.

We are grateful to Roy Turner, Vicki Vasil, Josh and the rest of Surf Expo team for making us feel like royalty. I could get used to (more…)

surf-expo-drive-day-2-and-3-and-4-032We gave ourselves 4 days to get to Florida for our SURF EXPO ART EXHBIIT, but powered on day 2 and made it to Destin, Florida (the panhandle) on Day 3.

So we were able to relax for a day and enjoy the Emerald Coast – sugar white sand, warm waters, oh, and a tropical storm overhead!

Almost ran out of gas somewhere in Louisiana – (more…)

Photo by Michael R Foley

Photo by Michael R Foley

Join us at Surf Expo August 20-22nd!  Check out Drew’s HUGE 40′ Art Exhibit which includes a PAINTED VAN, and our unique seminars – located in the Surf Section of Expo

NOTE THIS:  We are DRIVING the van to Expo from California!  So follow our blog posts as we cover the 2,400 miles to get there!

In addition to Drew’s 40′ Art Exhibit, we will be giving the following seminars/workshops:  (E-mail that you’ll be attending and you’ll get a coupon for a free art print!)


drew-and-maria-brophy1.)  HOW TO THRIVE AS AN ARTIST IN ACTION SPORTS SEMINAR: (more…)